
There are many ways to validate a model with scalecast and this notebook introduces them and overviews the differences between dynamic and non-dynamic tuning/testing, cross-validation, backtesting, and the eye test.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scalecast.Forecaster import Forecaster
import diagram_creator
def prepare_fcst(f, test_length=0.1, fcst_length=120):
    """ adds all variables and sets the test length/forecast length in the object

        f (Forecaster): the Forecaster object.
        test_length (int or float): the test length as a size or proportion.
        fcst_length (int): the forecast horizon.

        (Forecaster) the processed object.
    for i in np.arange(60, 289, 12):  # 12-month cycles from 12 to 288 months
    f.add_ar_terms(120)  # AR 1-120
    f.add_AR_terms((20, 12))  # seasonal AR up to 20 years, spaced one year apart
    return f

def export_results(f):
    """ returns a dataframe with all model results given a Forecaster object.

        f (Forecaster): the Forecaster object.

        (DataFrame) the dataframe with the pertinent results.
    results = f.export("model_summaries", determine_best_by="TestSetMAE")
    return results[

Load Forecaster Object

  • we choose 120 periods (10 years) for all validation and forecasting

  • 10 years of observervations to tune model hyperparameters, 10 years to test, and a forecast horizon of 10 years

df = pd.read_csv("Sunspots.csv", index_col=0, names=["Date", "Target"], header=0)
f = Forecaster(y=df["Target"], current_dates=df["Date"])
    Xvars=['month', 'cycle60sin', 'cycle60cos', 'cycle72sin', 'cycle72cos', 'cycle84sin', 'cycle84cos', 'cycle96sin', 'cycle96cos', 'cycle108sin', 'cycle108cos', 'cycle120sin', 'cycle120cos', 'cycle132sin', 'cycle132cos', 'cycle144sin', 'cycle144cos', 'cycle156sin', 'cycle156cos', 'cycle168sin', 'cycle168cos', 'cycle180sin', 'cycle180cos', 'cycle192sin', 'cycle192cos', 'cycle204sin', 'cycle204cos', 'cycle216sin', 'cycle216cos', 'cycle228sin', 'cycle228cos', 'cycle240sin', 'cycle240cos', 'cycle252sin', 'cycle252cos', 'cycle264sin', 'cycle264cos', 'cycle276sin', 'cycle276cos', 'cycle288sin', 'cycle288cos', 'AR1', 'AR2', 'AR3', 'AR4', 'AR5', 'AR6', 'AR7', 'AR8', 'AR9', 'AR10', 'AR11', 'AR12', 'AR13', 'AR14', 'AR15', 'AR16', 'AR17', 'AR18', 'AR19', 'AR20', 'AR21', 'AR22', 'AR23', 'AR24', 'AR25', 'AR26', 'AR27', 'AR28', 'AR29', 'AR30', 'AR31', 'AR32', 'AR33', 'AR34', 'AR35', 'AR36', 'AR37', 'AR38', 'AR39', 'AR40', 'AR41', 'AR42', 'AR43', 'AR44', 'AR45', 'AR46', 'AR47', 'AR48', 'AR49', 'AR50', 'AR51', 'AR52', 'AR53', 'AR54', 'AR55', 'AR56', 'AR57', 'AR58', 'AR59', 'AR60', 'AR61', 'AR62', 'AR63', 'AR64', 'AR65', 'AR66', 'AR67', 'AR68', 'AR69', 'AR70', 'AR71', 'AR72', 'AR73', 'AR74', 'AR75', 'AR76', 'AR77', 'AR78', 'AR79', 'AR80', 'AR81', 'AR82', 'AR83', 'AR84', 'AR85', 'AR86', 'AR87', 'AR88', 'AR89', 'AR90', 'AR91', 'AR92', 'AR93', 'AR94', 'AR95', 'AR96', 'AR97', 'AR98', 'AR99', 'AR100', 'AR101', 'AR102', 'AR103', 'AR104', 'AR105', 'AR106', 'AR107', 'AR108', 'AR109', 'AR110', 'AR111', 'AR112', 'AR113', 'AR114', 'AR115', 'AR116', 'AR117', 'AR118', 'AR119', 'AR120', 'AR132', 'AR144', 'AR156', 'AR168', 'AR180', 'AR192', 'AR204', 'AR216', 'AR228', 'AR240', 'year']

In the feature_selection notebook, gbt was chosen as the best model class out of several tried. We will show all examples with this estimator.

Default Model Parameters

  • one with dynamic testing

  • one with non-dynamic testing

  • the difference can be expressed by taking the case of a simple autoregressive model, such that:

Non-Dynamic Autoregressive Predictions

\[x_t = \alpha * x_{t-1} + e_t\]

Over an indefinite forecast horizon, the above equation would only work if you knew the value for \(x_{t-1}\). Going more than one period into the future, you would stop knowing what that value is. In a test-set of data, of course, you do know all values into the forecast horizon, but to be more realistic, you could write an equation for a two-step forecast like this:

Dynamic Autoregressive Predictions

\[\hat{x_t} = \hat{\alpha} * x_{t-1}\]
\[x_{t+1} = \hat{\alpha} * \hat{x}_t + e_{t+1}\]

Using these two equations, which scalecast refers to as dynamic forecasting, you could evaluate any forecast horizon by plugging in predicted values for \(x_{t-1}\) or \({x_t}\) over periods in which you did not know it. This is default behavior for all models tested through scalecast, but it is not default for tuning models. We will explore dynamic tuning soon. First, let’s see in practical terms the difference between non-dynamic and dynamic testing.

f.manual_forecast(call_me="gbt_default_non-dynamic", dynamic_testing=False)
f.manual_forecast(call_me="gbt_default_dynamic")  # default is dynamic testing

It appears that the non-dynamically tested model performed significantly better than the other, but looks can be deceiving. In essence, the non-dynamic model was only tested for its ability to perform 326 one-step forecasts and its final metric is an average of these one-step forecasts. It could be a good idea to set dynamic_testing=False if you want to speed up the testing process or if you only care about how your model would perform one step into the future. But to report the test-set metric from this model as if it could be expected to do that well for the full 326 periods into the future is misleading. The other model that was dynamically tested can be more realistically trusted in that regard.

ModelNickname TestSetRMSE InSampleRMSE ValidationMetric ValidationMetricValue HyperParams TestSetLength DynamicallyTested
0 gbt_default_non-dynamic 18.723179 18.841544 NaN NaN {} 326 False
1 gbt_default_dynamic 24.456923 18.841544 NaN NaN {} 326 True

Tune the model to find optimal hyperparameters

  • Create a validation grid

  • Try three strategies to tune the parameters:

  • Train/validation/test split

    • Hyperparameters are tried on the validation set

  • Train/test split with 5-fold time-series cross-validation on training set

    • Training data split 5 times into train/validations set

    • Models trained on training set only

    • Validated out-of-sample

    • All data available before each validation split sequentially used to train the model

  • Train/test split with 5-fold time-series rolling cross-validation on training set

    • Rolling is different in that each train/validation split is the same size

grid = {
    "max_depth": [2, 3, 5],
    "max_features": ["sqrt", "auto"],
    "subsample": [0.8, 0.9, 1],

Train/Validation/Test Split

  • The data’s sequence is always maintained in time-series splits with scalecast


)  # automatically uses optimal paramaeters suggested from the tuning process
max_depth max_features subsample Fold0Metric AverageMetric MetricEvaluated
7 3 sqrt 0.9 43.623057 43.623057 rmse
12 5 sqrt 0.8 43.667072 43.667072 rmse
6 3 sqrt 0.8 44.015361 44.015361 rmse
8 3 sqrt 1 44.807485 44.807485 rmse
0 2 sqrt 0.8 46.093143 46.093143 rmse
2 2 sqrt 1 53.206496 53.206496 rmse
14 5 sqrt 1 60.587243 60.587243 rmse
10 3 auto 0.9 65.424393 65.424393 rmse
15 5 auto 0.8 66.530315 66.530315 rmse
13 5 sqrt 0.9 67.459775 67.459775 rmse

5-Fold Time Series Cross Validation

  • Split training set into k (5) folds

  • Each validation set is the same size and determined such that: val_size = n_obs // (folds + 1)

  • The last training set will be the same size or almost the same size as the validation sets

  • Model trained and re-trained with all data that came before each validation slice

  • Each fold tested out of sample on its validation set

  • Final error is an average of the out-of-sample error obtained from each fold

  • The chosen hyperparameters are determined by which final error was minimized

  • Below is an example with a dataset sized 100 observations and in which 10 observations are held out for testing and the remaining 90 observations are used as the training set:


The final error, E, can be expressed as an average of the error from each fold i:

\[E = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{(e_i)}\]
    test_length = None, # default so that last test and train sets are same size (or close to the same)
    train_length = None, # default uses all observations before each test set
    space_between_sets = None, # default adds a length equal to the test set between consecutive sets
    verbose = True, # print out info about each fold
Num hyperparams to try for the gbt model: 18.
Fold 0: Train size: 2450 (1749-01-31 00:00:00 - 1953-02-28 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1953-03-31 00:00:00 - 1993-11-30 00:00:00).
Fold 1: Train size: 1961 (1749-01-31 00:00:00 - 1912-05-31 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1912-06-30 00:00:00 - 1953-02-28 00:00:00).
Fold 2: Train size: 1472 (1749-01-31 00:00:00 - 1871-08-31 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1871-09-30 00:00:00 - 1912-05-31 00:00:00).
Fold 3: Train size: 983 (1749-01-31 00:00:00 - 1830-11-30 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1830-12-31 00:00:00 - 1871-08-31 00:00:00).
Fold 4: Train size: 494 (1749-01-31 00:00:00 - 1790-02-28 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1790-03-31 00:00:00 - 1830-11-30 00:00:00).
Chosen paramaters: {'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'subsample': 1}.
max_depth max_features subsample Fold0Metric Fold1Metric Fold2Metric Fold3Metric Fold4Metric AverageMetric MetricEvaluated
14 5 sqrt 1 75.881634 85.585377 79.162305 83.264294 96.912215 84.161165 rmse
12 5 sqrt 0.8 90.328729 96.703967 48.606034 80.703070 111.586242 85.585609 rmse
13 5 sqrt 0.9 108.327532 95.594713 61.082475 61.798101 108.437289 87.048022 rmse
16 5 auto 0.9 89.047882 92.811981 74.332318 86.321627 112.510827 91.004927 rmse
0 2 sqrt 0.8 105.541098 78.227464 103.386493 77.997451 115.573720 96.145245 rmse
8 3 sqrt 1 64.668019 119.509341 93.877028 93.740770 114.533147 97.265661 rmse
7 3 sqrt 0.9 75.061438 85.898970 122.575339 91.157722 119.005642 98.739822 rmse
2 2 sqrt 1 59.907395 88.529044 113.535870 118.721240 117.856393 99.709989 rmse
17 5 auto 1 111.676983 96.506098 70.688360 102.882864 118.365703 100.024002 rmse
6 3 sqrt 0.8 93.640946 85.464725 100.451257 109.813079 111.415691 100.157140 rmse

5-Fold Rolling Time Series Cross Validation

  • Split training set into k (5) folds

  • Each validation set is the same size

  • Each training set is also the same size as each validation set

  • Each fold tested out of sample

  • Final error is an average of the out-of-sample error obtained from each folds

  • The chosen hyperparameters are determined by which final error was minimized

  • Below is an example with a dataset sized 100 observation and in which 10 observations are held out for testing and the remaining 90 observations are used as the training set:

    test_length = None, # with rolling = True, makes all train and test sets the same size
    train_length = None, # with rolling = True, makes all train and test sets the same size
    space_between_sets = None, # default adds a length equal to the test set between consecutive sets
    verbose = True, # print out info about each fold
Num hyperparams to try for the gbt model: 18.
Fold 0: Train size: 489 (1912-06-30 00:00:00 - 1953-02-28 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1953-03-31 00:00:00 - 1993-11-30 00:00:00).
Fold 1: Train size: 489 (1871-09-30 00:00:00 - 1912-05-31 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1912-06-30 00:00:00 - 1953-02-28 00:00:00).
Fold 2: Train size: 489 (1830-12-31 00:00:00 - 1871-08-31 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1871-09-30 00:00:00 - 1912-05-31 00:00:00).
Fold 3: Train size: 489 (1790-03-31 00:00:00 - 1830-11-30 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1830-12-31 00:00:00 - 1871-08-31 00:00:00).
Fold 4: Train size: 489 (1749-06-30 00:00:00 - 1790-02-28 00:00:00). Test Size: 489 (1790-03-31 00:00:00 - 1830-11-30 00:00:00).
Chosen paramaters: {'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'subsample': 0.9}.
max_depth max_features subsample Fold0Metric Fold1Metric Fold2Metric Fold3Metric Fold4Metric AverageMetric MetricEvaluated
13 5 sqrt 0.9 52.067612 75.101589 47.665446 73.458303 110.673685 71.793327 rmse
11 3 auto 1 61.780860 70.554830 48.914548 74.467054 110.351684 73.213795 rmse
9 3 auto 0.8 59.526670 76.807231 48.096324 74.276742 110.628222 73.867038 rmse
17 5 auto 1 68.884924 63.475008 52.178487 73.895434 111.100209 73.906812 rmse
7 3 sqrt 0.9 44.798329 69.131312 54.226665 93.287371 115.134538 75.315643 rmse
8 3 sqrt 1 56.409051 84.081666 49.339527 75.453036 111.791536 75.414963 rmse
3 2 auto 0.8 61.498220 73.383101 48.898466 78.773421 115.272207 75.565083 rmse
12 5 sqrt 0.8 63.732031 78.140692 47.053796 73.473322 115.558499 75.591668 rmse
5 2 auto 1 69.075181 67.852121 53.383812 75.150129 115.413148 76.174878 rmse
14 5 sqrt 1 48.860162 84.807936 49.921226 89.144401 110.995682 76.745881 rmse

View results

pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 60)
ModelNickname TestSetRMSE InSampleRMSE ValidationMetric ValidationMetricValue HyperParams TestSetLength DynamicallyTested
0 gbt_default_non-dynamic 18.723179 18.841544 NaN NaN {} 326 False
1 gbt_default_dynamic 24.456923 18.841544 NaN NaN {} 326 True
2 gbt_cv 25.604943 13.063379 rmse 84.161165 {'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'subsample': 1} 326 True
3 gbt_rolling_cv 34.248137 12.789779 rmse 71.793327 {'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'subsample': 0.9} 326 True
4 gbt_tuned 50.777958 20.342340 rmse 43.623057 {'max_depth': 3, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'subsample': 0.9} 326 True

Backtest models

  • Backtesting is a process in which the final chosen model is re-validated by seeing its average performance on the last x-number of forecast horizons available in the data

  • With scalecast, pipeline objects can be built and backtest all applied models to see the best one over several forecast horizons

  • See the documentation for more information

from scalecast.Pipeline import Pipeline
from scalecast.util import backtest_metrics
def forecaster(f):
    f.set_validation_length(int(len(f.y)*.1)) # 10% val length each time
    for i in np.arange(60, 289, 12):  # 12-month cycles from 12 to 288 months
    f.add_ar_terms(120)  # AR 1-120
    f.add_AR_terms((20, 12))  # seasonal AR up to 20 years, spaced one year apart



    f.tune(dynamic_tuning = True)

    f.cross_validate(dynamic_tuning = True)

    f.cross_validate(dynamic_tuning = True, rolling = True)
pipeline = Pipeline(steps = [('Forecast',forecaster)])
backtest_results = pipeline.backtest(
    test_length = 0,
    fcst_length = 120,
    jump_back = 120, # place 120 obs between each training set
    cis = False,
    verbose = True,
bm = backtest_metrics(backtest_results,mets=['rmse','mae','r2'])
Iter0 Iter1 Iter2 Iter3 Iter4 Average
Model Metric
gbt_default_dynamic rmse 29.787489 32.631984 40.218024 57.655588 88.550393 49.768696
mae 24.725663 25.120353 32.70369 45.658795 56.387906 36.919281
r2 0.499971 0.718315 0.652106 0.466619 -0.415585 0.384285
gbt_tuned rmse 21.793363 38.201181 34.145031 55.637363 99.862839 49.927956
mae 17.232072 29.314773 26.055781 42.62898 63.122565 35.670834
r2 0.732345 0.613962 0.749239 0.503307 -0.800374 0.359696
gbt_cv rmse 27.290614 30.871908 38.859572 55.141773 35.648112 37.562396
mae 21.956079 24.026144 30.078019 42.157045 27.85357 29.214172
r2 0.580286 0.747883 0.675211 0.512116 0.770582 0.657215
gbt_rolling_cv rmse 26.080319 31.8572 34.485633 43.732603 38.312404 34.893632
mae 21.003643 24.701014 27.536833 37.057153 28.484026 27.756534
r2 0.616687 0.731533 0.744211 0.693122 0.735007 0.704112
bmr = bm.reset_index()
bmrrmse = bmr.loc[bmr['Metric'] == 'rmse'].sort_values('Average')
best_model = bmrrmse.iloc[0,0]
rmse = bmr.loc[
    (bmr['Model'] == best_model) & (bmr['Metric'] == 'rmse'),
mae = bmr.loc[
    (bmr['Model'] == best_model) & (bmr['Metric'] == 'mae'),
r2 = bmr.loc[
    (bmr['Model'] == best_model) & (bmr['Metric'] == 'r2'),
    f"The best model, according to the RMSE over 5 backtest iterations was {best_model}."
    " On average, we can expect this model to have an RMSE of"
    f" {rmse:.2f}, MAE of {mae:.2f}, and R2 of {r2:.2%} over a full 120-period"
    " forecast window."
The best model, according to the RMSE over 5 backtest iterations was gbt_rolling_cv. On average, we can expect this model to have an RMSE of 34.89, MAE of 27.76, and R2 of 70.41% over a full 120-period forecast window.

An extension of this analysis could be to choose regressors more carefully (see here) and to use more complex models (see here).

The Eye Test

In addition to all the objective validation performed in this notebook, one of the most important questions to ask is if the forecast looks reasonable. Does it pass the common sense test? Below, we plot the 120-forecast period horizon from the best model.

f.plot(models=best_model, ci = True)
[ ]: